Autograf Is Giving Away These Intricate, Custom Decks of Cards to Celebrate Their Debut Album


To celebrate the impending release of their debut album, Autograf is giving back to the fans who made it possible.

Autograf announced The Ace of You, which is six years in the making, earlier in the month of October. Ahead of the record's October 23rd release via Armada, the guys have developed branded decks of cards that they are giving away to fans who pre-save it. The elegant cards correlate to the album's tracks, and each one features custom artwork.

Autograf took to Instagram to share a glimpse into the limited edition cards. "You guys mean the world to us & we’d love to give back by sending everyone the deck of cards from our debut album 'The Ace of You,'" they wrote in the caption of the post, which also features their kitten. "Just share a screenshot of you pre-saving our album here!"

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