Autograf release debut album, most personal work to date, ‘The Ace of You’


Autograf have finally shared their debut album The Ace of You—a brilliant display of the group’s production abilities and their most personal project to date. They had initially been contemplating whether or not to continue their artist project, and after deciding to move forward, the new album reflects the outfit’s continued commitment to its craft.

Highlights of the album include “If You Never Loved Me” featuring vocals by Kaleena Zanders, which blends an infectious backdrop with Zanders’ enthrallingly unique vocals and well as “Undivided” and “Wheel of Fortune,” which hones in on the group’s production prowess. The group discussed the catalyst for the new album in an official release, stating,

“During the making of this album, we lost a bandmate for a moment due to mental illness and didn’t think we’d continue on. Then we came roaring back only for the whole world to come crashing down in a pandemic. We fell in love and experienced heartbreak many times over. Just like the cycles of the moon, you have your highs and lows, and we’d like to think life is defined by how you overcome these lows. This album tells our story, but it’s an experience that isn’t unique to us. It’s something shared by all.”

The Ace of You is out now via Armada Music. Listen to the album in full below.

Tags: album, Armada Music, Autograf, debut, Kaleena Zanders, The Ace Of You

Categories: Music

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