Benedict – Warzone – Scratch Massive Remixes


Heavy 80's influence on these remixes, especially the original Scratch Massive remix [non ‘Beat' remix] –which really hit the spot for me this month for various reasons, the spookiness and also the fact I am watching Stranger Things at this exact moment. Australian alt-pop prodigy and rising artist Benedict released a two track remix package of her single “Warzone” and both are great. Check out a quote from Benedict below and stream the remixes under the jump! Enjoy

Speaking of the meaning behind the track, Benedict revealed: “My single ‘Warzone' is about many different relationships we have over time. Relationships with partners, friendships, family, government, religion. Learning the paradigms of these things and how they can change very quickly from positive to negative. Trusting and loving when you only receive narcissism and gaslighting in return. Some relationships are warzones that can break us down mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is about the loneliness and pain that you take on then healing from past hurts and breathing your truth. As each human is unique and special it is about stepping out and trusting your heart and your goodness and fighting for your life. To me the most important thing is to become stronger and be your true self no matter what the consequences and live in your full truth as well as love others for their differences and unique selves.” 

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