COVID Nightlife Guide: Find Open Venues and Party Safely


Whether we all like it or not, many venues around the country are reopening amidst the global pandemic, COVID-19. Some, like Florida, are allowed to reopen with zero restrictions, though many still choose to do so. Others are bound my state or local guidelines to a variety of venue capacity, temperature, or social distancing restrictions.

Whatever you feel, you can track which venues are opening with a nifty tracker courtesy of Discotech. Their easy-to-use dashboard automatically shows a selection of the most popular cities in the US, with an easy dropdown menu of other cities.

As you can see from the Venue Reopening Status and COVID Stats table below, Las Vegas, Phoenix/Scottsdale, and Atlanta lead the country in the amount of venues reopened. The table also shows the status of clubs from “Opening Soon” to “Permanently Closed” as well as a COVID risk level color chart, including cases per 100k, ICU usage, and more.

If you’re looking to travel — and do so safely — soon, this is a necessary tool to use before planning your trip.

Check it out for yourself here.

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