Dillon Francis Does Absolutely Nothing In New “Bored In The House” Remix Video


If you haven’t yet heard “Bored In The House” by Tyga & Curtis Roach, then you’re probably not as bored as the rest of us. Released in late March this year, just as quarantine was beginning, the song became the anthem of everyone stuck at home without any idea what to do because we just didn’t know how long this whole thing was going to last.

Well, we’re still bored in the house, but at least there’s been a lot of new music this year to keep us busy. Dillon Francis now takes a stab at the viral hit with a new remix and music video, demonstrating just how damn bored we can get. Apart from the hilarious music video, which is no surprise coming from Dillon, the remix itself is a juicy bit of house flavor.

Check out the full project below!


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