Gianni Blu embraces texture on ‘What It Feels Like’


ChillYourMind would like an encore—or five.

With four Gianni Blu originals already to its distribution credit, the European imprint has invited Blu back for a fifth ChillYourMind outing, enacted with “What It Feels Like.” With the gilded finish of his prior single “Like Gold” still glinting, Blu initiates a stylistic overhaul on his latest.

Whereas the Italian-Haitian producer’s previous two releases saw him source vocals from serial collaborator D. Lylez, “What It Feels Like” plays host to a cameo from Mingue. Further, although “What It Feels Like” delves into deep house, a subgenre that doubles as Blu’s wheelhouse, Blu’s engagement of the sound on this single differs from what he’s done to date.

Allowing acoustic instrumentation to punctuate the electronic forefront of “What It Feels Like,” Blu integrates texture in an intoxicating amalgamation of acoustic, electronic, and vocal elements that will unsurprisingly further his status as one of the Midwest’s most prominent emerging artists.

Tags: Gianni Blu, mingue, What it Feels LIke

Categories: Music

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