Musician Union Launches Campaign to Demand Cent-Per-Stream Payouts by Spotify


A faction of US musicians has launched a vigorous campaign called "Justice at Spotify," calling for the streaming giant to remit penny-per-stream payouts to artists, among other demands. The United Musicians and Allied Workers Union (UMAW) is crusading for major changes to Spotify's business model, which they contend is responsible for artists being "underpaid, misled, and otherwise exploited" by the company, according to the organization's website.

"As Spotify’s valuation soars, we have seen no increase in our streaming payments," the site reads. "The company’s closed-door contracts and payola schemes ensure that only musicians already on top with extensive resources can succeed on the platform. As COVID 19 economically devastates music workers everywhere, it’s even clearer that Spotify’s existing model is counter to the needs of the vast majority of artists."

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