Wellness 4 Humanity Spearheads Cutting Edge “Spread Love Not COVID” Tour


While the live entertainment and music industries continue to suffer the ostensibly ceaseless global shutdown contrived by the spread of COVID-19, things have been looking fairly bleak for anyone hopeful for a speedy return to the normalcy of attending concerts.

The team at Wellness 4 Humanity has been hard at work trying to bring that feeling back. The organization dreamed up the Spread Love Not COVID (SLNC) music tour, a cutting edge tour for the post-COVID era  that implements AI-driven biotechnology to provide rapid onsite testing at each event and ensure the safety of attendees. This is done through their patented TRUSTPASS™ system, which begins 72 hours before the event. An RT-PCR test kit is shipped to the consumer, who then sends it in for laboratory testing. Once the test results come back negative, they are logged into the Wellness 4 Humanity patient portal, where the user can track them via the TRUSTPASS™ app. 

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