England announces plans for nightclub and event reopenings starting June 21


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that nightclubs and festivals will be able to reopen starting June 21, giving UK citizens hope for a resume to normality over the summer. Johnson announced the decision as part of a comprehensive roadmap outlining England’s reopening plan, and the government also intends to give large events the go-ahead at this time.

England’s reopening plan is contingent on COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations continuing to fall as vaccine distribution continues. While large-scale club and festival openings will not occur until the summer, smaller scale events are tentatively set to be allowed sooner.

Phase two of the reopening roadmap is set for April 12, which will allow up to six people from two different households to come together for outdoor dining. On May 12, this rule of six will be extended to indoor dining. In addition, large indoor performances and sporting events with a capacity of 1,000 people will be allowed. Outdoor larger performances and sporting events of 4,000 people maximum or half capacity (whichever is lower) will be allowed. Large sports stadiums will also be allowed to be a quarter full or have a maximum capacity of 10,000 people, and testing will be used to support all of these openings.

Finally on June 21, if all goes according to plan, all legal limits on social contact will be removed. The government will encourage testing as a condition to entry for larger gatherings. This reopening

H/T: Sky News

Featured image: Andrew Allcock

Tags: coronavirus, covid-19, england, festivals, Nightclubs, reopening

Categories: News

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