Excision’s Subsidia Records shares third installment of ‘Dawn’ compilation series


Excision has been putting in work over the last year, tirelessly forging forward with his newly minted imprint, Subsidia Records. Since 2020, Subsidia has been slowly rolling out three impeccable volumes of their three compilation albums, Dusk, Dawn, and Night. This time, fans welcome the release of their melodic bass excursion, Dawn: Vol. 3.

The newest development in the Dawn series offers outputs from up-and-coming artists including Cyrus Gold, FOCUSS, and Noya, all of which have been featured on previous Subsidia compilation releases. Just when fans thought Excision couldn’t unleash any more low end madness, Dawn Vol. 3 proves doubters wrong with a a collection of enchanting vocals matched with top-notch production standards across 18 tracks. Listen below.

Featured image: Rukes

Tags: dawn vol. 3, excision, subsidia, subsidia records

Categories: Music

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