Kina – “I’m Not Going Back” (ft. Mokita)


Buzzing Italian producer connects with Nashville, TN based singer/songwriter  Mokita for “I'm Not Going Back”. The calming new collaboration blends chilled out production with a mellow top line that is both emotional and potent. The lo-fi pop vibe is a good one and well worth the listen, tune in after the jump and read quotes from both collaborators on the tune above the stream. Enjoy!

“I discovered Mokita thanks to Spotify shuffle – I remember when ‘Colorblind’ started playing; I was shocked and kept this song on loop for a long time, so I needed to make a song with him…and now here's ‘I'm Not Going Back.’ We worked remotely because of the COVID situation (and because I'm in Lisbon and he's from the US), but the song was born in an incredibly difficult but inspirational period that I was living in. I'm so happy with the final result simply because it completely represents my mood during that period of time.” – Kina

“‘I’m Not Going Back’ was one of those songs that I wrote really quickly, it happened in like 15 minutes. I wrote it about battling addictions and just how much easier it is to feed your addictions than it is to work at a relationship. I’ve been sober for almost 2 years now, and I remember the morning that I finally woke up and knew I was done… I kept repeating the title in my head, ‘I’m not going back.’ I think that can apply to so many things that are unhealthy for us. We kinda have to preach to ourselves against our demons and addictions, and remind ourselves why we stepped away. I have been a fan of Kina’s for a while so when he reached out about this song it was a no brainer. Super excited for everyone to hear it and grateful he wanted to work together on this one.” – Mokita

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