New study finds techno least effective music for reducing anxiety – Dancing Astronaut New study finds techno least effective music for reducing anxiety


A new study by Vera Clinic has found that techno is the least relaxing form of music. The Turkish-based hair transplant company’s research ultimately proved that techno, unsurprisingly, is the genre “least affective at reducing anxiety.”

The study consisted of a total of 1540 volunteers aged between 18 and 65, who all were given a variety of playlists with music from multiple eras and genres. While listening, monitors tracked the participant’s heart rate and blood pressure levels, giving an inclination into their anxiety levels. Once calculated, the results discovered that 78% of volunteers, upon hearing techno recorded an increase in blood pressure.

Dubstep, classical chill-out, and 70’s rock were also amongst the top three types of music that recorded an increase in their blood pressure while genres such as heavy metal and 80s to early 2000s pop were most likely to decrease the volunteers’ blood pressure.

Doctor Ömer Avlanmış who conducted the research stated,

“Medically they make a lot of sense, 80’s pop hits could have positive nostalgia attached to them for many people, and their upbeat, party-like sounds can induce the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, both increasing feelings of happiness and calm. In terms of heavy metal, I’d observe that angry music can help listeners process their feelings and as a result lead to greater well-being.”

While this research may serve as a forward-thinking approach to studies in musical therapy, fans of the techno genre may continue to be proponents of the genre regardless.

H/T: Mixmag

Featured image: Time Warp

Tags: Anxiety, dubstep, house, Medicine, music study, study, techno, Vera clinic

Categories: News

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