New York Governor Andrew Cuomo eases restrictions on large concert venues


On May 19, New York governor Andrew Cuomo will “significantly” ease COVID-19 restrictions on indoor and outdoor attendance capacities, according to a new update on Cuomo’s website. Beginning mid-May, the indoor social gathering limit will increase from 100 to 250 people. The outdoor residential gathering limit, previously set at 25 people, will be lifted, reverting to the former social gathering limit of 500 people.

Social distancing guidelines must continue to be observed. Gatherings that exceed these social limits will be allowed to take place only if all individuals older than four-years-old present proof of full vaccination status or a recent negative COVID-19 test result, per Cuomo’s announcement.

Importantly, large-scale indoor events will be cleared to proceed at 30% capacity on May 19. Previously, events were only permitted to operate at 10% capacity. Events situated at large outdoor venues can host attendees at a 33% capacity. Social distancing, mask wearing, and proof of full vaccination status or a recent negative COVID-19 test result continue to be required at these venue-based events.

In his update, Cuomo said,

“The tide is turning against COVID-19 in New York, and thanks to our increasing vaccination rates, as well as our successful, data-based regional approach, we’re able to take more steps to reopen our economy, help businesses and workers, and keep moving towards returning to normal. Thanks to the hard work of New Yorkers and our partners in government, we are now able to increase capacity limits for businesses, event venues and residences to reflect what we’re seeing in the COVID data. Maintaining this progress is critical and in order to keep moving in a positive direction, New Yorkers must continue to take all the proper precautions. If we let up now, we could slide backwards and that is something nobody wants.”


Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Cuomo, Lockdown Restrictions, new york city

Categories: News

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