O Cinnedi – Pride


Equipped with plenty of new music, O Cinnedi kicks off 2021 with a shift in the visual and sonic direction of the project. The rising Canadian talent starts the year off strong via “Pride” a track showing experimental sounds and shifting tempos, delivering something abstract while bass friendly.  This one is an interesting listen if you are not yet familiar with O Cinnedi, so check out “Pride” after the jump now. Above the stream, check out a quote from O Cinnedi and enjoy the new single!

“This track is the first of my project called ‘Seven Deadly Sins.’ ‘PRIDE’ is about how we all deal with our own demons and sins, being able to understand them is the way we are able to change ourselves for the better. Pride connects to us in ways of how we create ourselves, but also what is used to create a living hell. Pride is the game of ego we play with ourselves to think we are better than others. How we look at ourselves connect’s so much to this. Pride can be a sin of hate you can completely lose yourself in as does the model that is depicted in my music video soon to come is being drawn to her own pride and losing her mind through it. – O Cinnedi 

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