Premiere: Biicla adds sonic drama to CLO’s ‘Blackout’


After formally introducing herself to the sonic scene with the September 2020 release of her debut single, “Blackout,” CLO invited several artists to take her introductory number to the drawing table and make it their own. Among the handful of producers to receive CLO’s coveted tap is Biicla.

In the time that has followed the Russian entity’s own installation in the global dance market with August 2019’s “No Place,” the name “Biicla” has come to bespeak a stylistically rich and exploratory catalog of electronic freewheeling. Just what he’d do with CLO’s original was an aesthetic toss up, but not for Dancing Astronaut readers. Biicla’s remix of “Blackout” will formally release on January 22, but listeners have the opportunity to hear Biicla dress the Bay Area native’s single in dark sonic drama one day early, only on Dancing Astronaut.

Stripping the pop sensibilities and piano definition of “Blackout” in its untouched form, Biicla cuts an edge to a one-off that has attracted a ring of remixers, among whom Biicla’s spin is a surefire standout. The “Luv” producer’s re-imagination of “Blackout” can be found below.

Tags: Biicla, blackout, Blackout remix, CLO, premiere

Categories: Music

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