Soulja Boy sued by ex-partner alleging sexual and physical abuse


Soulja Boy is being sued for domestic violence, assault, and sexual battery, among other charges, by a former romantic partner.

According to reports by Rolling Stone, USA Today and NBC News, the rapper – real name DeAndre Cortez Way – has been accused of punching and hitting the plaintiff, who is only identified as Jane Doe. The lawsuit alleges that Way assaulted Jane Doe when she was pregnant, and she later miscarried. Way also allegedly coerced her into sex through threats of violence.

Representatives for Soulja Boy have not responded to NME’s requests for comment.

Several instances of alleged abuse were detailed in the lawsuit, which was reportedly filed in civil court in Los Angeles on Tuesday (May 11). At the start of the reported incidences, Way allegedly “[punched the] plaintiff in the face and chest, until she could no longer stand on her feet” after becoming angry during a conversation. Afterward, she suffered a miscarriage and had to “undergo a dilation and curettage procedure to remove her uterine lining”.

In another incident, Way allegedly “became upset and ran to Plaintiff’s bed, stood over her and began to physically attack and yell at her”, which was caught on cameras.

Elsewhere the lawsuit accuses Way of threatening the plaintiff’s life, at least one time with a gun, physical assault “if she refused his sexual demands” and punching and kicking her when she would confront him about cheating on her.

The last alleged incident took place when Way, the lawsuit claims, “tightly gripped [her] neck and choked her while threatening her life” after trying to rekindle the relationship and being refused by the plaintiff.

The plaintiff is seeking general, special and punitive damages based on domestic violence, negligence, sexual battery, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress and gender violence.

“Our client is fortunate she was able to escape Way’s reign of terror and domestic abuse. Still, she struggles to rebuild her life as she deals with the stress, fear and humiliation she continues to suffer from the years she remained Way’s emotional and mental captive,” the plaintiff’s lawyer, Neama Rahmani, said in a statement.

Rahmani is also representing another woman who previously worked as Soulja Boy’s personal assistant and earlier this year sued him for sexual assault. Soulja Boy denied those allegations in a statement to TMZ. “I vehemently and unequivocally deny these allegations,” he said. “I am in contact with my legal team and the appropriate legal action will be taken against these lies.”

A year prior, Soulja Boy was accused of assaulting another woman.

For help, advice or more information regarding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the UK, visit the Rape Crisis charity website. In the US, visit RAINN.

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