Who Is DJ Susan? Meet the Exuberant DJ Who Captured the Hearts of Miami Music Week 2022 – EDM.com


With nice mustache comes nice energy—and DJ Susan has it in droves.

Based mostly in San Diego, Susan made a cross-country flight final week to immerse himself within the hedonism of Miami Music Week, a pilgrimage he takes yearly. And he made his presence felt.

However that wasn’t by design, as if he concocted some sort of masterplan to kick up mud within the title of fame like a hellbent TikToker. It’s simply in his nature.

In some ways, the gregarious Susan was emblematic of the triumphant ethos of the return of dance music in Miami after a brutal pandemic. If his unbridled character didn’t pull you in like a magnet to a fridge, it was his big bear-hugs.

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